Thursday, April 18, 2013

April "Nice Work" Award Winners and "Years of Service" Awards

March/April "NICE WORK" Awards

Every month, Sports Awards honors outstanding contributions from their employees with the "NICE WORK" Award. Monthly winners receive a "Nice Work" Acrylic Award and Gift Certificate, plus their name will be added to our feature Plaque in the showroom. Sports Awards will also recognize an "honorable mention" recipient who will receive a Gift Certificate. Our latest winners:

MARCH WINNER: Javier Candelaria, a member of our production team recognized for his great attitude and long hours of service during a very busy production schedule.

MARCH RUNNER-UP: Roger Burden, a Customer Service Specialist recognized for his years of experience and expertise in solving thorny issues.

Way to go, Deb!

APRIL WINNER: Debbie Paddack, a Sales Support Specialist who recently received rave reviews from some key accounts touting her 100% dedication to customer satisfaction. 

APRIL RUNNER-UP: Bill Kobus, a key member of our Production staff who handles a great number of responsibilities we may sometimes overlook but are critical to our company running smoothly day-to-day.

 "Years of Service" Awards

Lois Budill, pictured with VP Jim O'Neill
Our first YOS Award was presented to Lois Budill in recognition of 20 years of continued service. Although there is not a single department at Sports Awards that she hasn't been a part of over these 20 years, she has most recently made her mark in Human Resources. Lois does much more than just hand out forms... she is usually found consulting and advising members from all levels of our staff on just about every matter you can think of, all with the goal of making them feel valued and respected. As a result, company management gives well-deserved credit to her for the large number of long-term employees here at Sports Awards. Thanks, Lois!

Pictured clockwise from upper left: Janet with Production Manager Hank Piotrowski, Carmen with Hank, Cesar with Shipping Coordinator Charles Patton and Tony with Hank.

 More YOS Awards were presented to:
Janet Czaja for 15 years service to our Production Department.
Carmen Rosado for 15 years service to our Production Department.
Cesar Aguilar for 10 years service to our Production Department.
Tony Febles for 5 years service to our Art and Screening Departments.  

Thanks, everyone, from the Sports Awards staff!