Every month, Sports Awards honors outstanding contributions from their employees with the "NICE WORK" Award. Monthly winners receive a "Nice Work" Acrylic Award and Gift Certificate, plus their name will be added to our feature Plaque in the showroom. Sports Awards will also recognize an "honorable mention" recipient who will receive a Gift Certificate. Our latest winners:
AUGUST WINNER: Stacie Kobus, a Production Team member who volunteered to help finish a thorny last-minute order for a valued customer.
AUGUST RUNNER-UP: John Ledenbeck, a Production Team member recognized for always going the extra mile to ensure the job gets done right!
SEPTEMBER WINNER: Laurie Bandas (pictured above) from our Customer Service Department, who stepped in to address a potential customer issue to demand a higher level of client service from her team.
SEPTEMBER RUNNER-UP: Travis Pedroza from the Art Department, who was recognized as a jack-of-all-trades who consistently delivers fantastic art and innovative designs for a variety of different projects.
Thanks, everyone, from the Sports Awards staff!
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